Most Brazilian names have their origins in German, Portuguese, and Italian languages as well as an exotic element associated with the rich heritage and culture of Brazil.
Here is a list of the most popular Brazilian girl names and meanings.
- Abriana (Mother of many nations)
- Abrielle (Mother of many nations)
- Abril (The month April, Spring)
- Acacia (Honorable)
- Aceline (Noble)
- Ada (Joyful)
- Adair (From the oak tree ford)
- Adal (Sweet or noble)
- Adalgisa (Noble hostage)
- Adali (Noble)
- Adalia (Of the nobility, Noble)
- Adda (Wealthy)
- Adelaide (Of the nobility, Noble)
- Adelia (Of the nobility, Noble)
- Adelina (Noble, Sweet )
- Adelinda (Sweet or noble)
- Adeline (Good humor)
- Adelisa (Of the nobility, Noble)
- Adelise (Forerunner of Alice, Of the nobility, Noble )
- Adelita (Kind or winged; Of the nobility. Noble.)
- Adella (Of the nobility, Noble)
- Adelle (Of the nobility, Noble )
- Adette (Noble, Sweet)
- Adreana (Dark)
- Adriana (Form of adrienne)
- Adriane (Dark)
- Adrianna (From Adria the Adriatic sea)
- Adrianne (Rich, Wealthy)
- Adriene (From Adria the Adriatic sea)
- Adrienne (From Adria the Adriatic sea region, Dark )
- Agatha (Good)
- Alaine (Dear child)
- Alameda (Promenade)
- Alana (Beautiful)
- Alandra (Protector of mankind)
- Alanza (Noble estate, Eager )
- Alba (Dawn)
- Alberta (Noble)
- Barbara (Foreign, Strange)
- Barbie (Traveler from a foreign land)
- Barbra (Traveler from a foreign land)
- Bathilda (Heroine)
- Bathilde (Heroine)
- Battista (Named for John the Baptist)
- Beatricia (Brings joy)
- Beatrisa (Brings happiness)
- Beatriz (Happy, Bringer of joy)
- Becky (Captivating)
- Bela (White)
- Belen (Bethlehem)
- Belicia (Devoted to God)
- Belinda (Beautiful snake)
- Bella (My God is a vow)
- Belle (Beautiful woman)
- Bellina (Beautiful)
- Belynda (Beautiful woman)
- Benigna (Kind)
- Bernadete (Brave as a bear)
- Bernadette (Bold as a bear)
- Bernadina (Brave as a bear)
- Bernadine (Brave as a bear)
- Berta (Glorious, Intelligent )
- Bertha (Intelligent, Bright)
- Beta (Devoted to God)
- Betsey (My God is bountiful, God of plenty)
- Betsy (Gods oath)
- Calinda (Skylark)
- Calista (Most beautiful)
- Calvina (Little bald one)
- Cinderella (Of the ashes)
- Cindi (Moon, Greek God)
- Cindia (Moon, Greek God)
- Cindie (Moon, Greek God)
- Cindy (Moon, Greek God)
- Dacio (From Arcy)
- Dael (Lives in the valley)
- Dafne (Laurel)
- Dagmar (Day maid)
- Dagomar (Glorious day)
- Dahlia (From the valley)
- Daina (From Denmark)
- Daine (Danish)
- Dalene (Small valley)
- Dalenna (Woman from Magdala)
- Dalila (Delicate)
- Damiana (Untamed)
- Damiane (Untamed)
- Damien (Untamed)
- Damita (Little noble)
- Dannelle (God will judge)
- Danni (God will judge)
- Dannia (God will judge)
- Dantina (God will judge)
- Danuta (God is my judge)
- Dany (God will judge)
- Danya (God will judge)
- Daphne (The laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, Victory)
- Darcy (From Arcy)
- Earlina (Noble woman)
- Earnestine (Earnest, Vigorous)
- Earnestyna (Serious)
- Elizabeth (Gods oath)
- Fabia (Bean farmer)
- Fabiana (Bean farmer)
- Fabienne (Bean grower)
- Fabiola (Bean farmer)
- Fabrizia (Craftswoman)
- Gabi (Gods able-bodied one)
- Gabriele (Gods able-bodied one)
- Gabriell (Gods able-bodied one)
- Gabriella (God is my strength)
- Gaby (Gods able-bodied one)
- Gael (Joyful)
- Gaelle (Stranger)
- Gala (Singer)
- Galena (Small intelligent one)
- Galenia (Small intelligent one)
- Galiana (Supreme One)
- Galla (From Gaul)
- Gallia (From Gaul)
- Garabina (Purification)
- Garabine (Purification)
- Hortência– it means gardener or the woman who grows vegetables.
- Helena– it means the woman who shines.
- Hilda– this name with Germanic origins means the combatant or the warrior.
- Hortencia
- Isaura– it means the woman natural of Isauria.
- Iara– this means lady of the waters or mother of waters, or water beauty.
- Iracema– this Guarani name means lips of honey.
- Isabella– it means consecrated to God.
- Izabel– this baby name means chaste and pure.
- Isadora– it means gift of Isis.
- Isaura
- Janaína– It means the goddess of the sea, queen of the sea, or mermaid of the rivers.
- Joana– it means bestowed by God, or God forgives.
- Jordana– this female Brazilian name means daring.
- Josefa– it means the addition of the Lord or God multiplies.
- Josefina – it is a nickname of Josefa, the female version of José.
- Juanita– it is the female variant for Juan, very popular in Spain and Latin America.
- Júlia– this baby girl’s name means the daughter of Jupiter.
- Juliana – it means the one with the black hair.
- Jordana is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Kaylane– it means sea and sky or made of the sea and sky.
- Kaila – it means the one who likes to live, cheerful.
- Karla– it is a variation of Carla, and it means woman of the people.
- Keila– it means the one who brings the members of a congregation together.
- Karina– it means pure and lovable.
- Katia– it is a shortened form of Catarina.
- Kaylane is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Laís– it means popular woman.
- Luana– it means shining woman or the glorious combatant full of grace.
- Larissa– it has Greek origins and means from the acropolis or the citadel.
- Lígia– this Portuguese name means docile and melodious.
- Lorena– this baby girl’s name means laurel.
- Ludmila– it means loved by the people.
- Luara– this Brazilian female name means winner and glorious.
- Luíza– it means glorious combatant or glorious in battles.
- Luciana– it means luminous and graceful.
- Lílian– it means pure and innocent.
- Luara is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Márcia– this name means dedicated to Mars or the one with the characteristics of a warrior.
- Maria– it is a biblical name which means sovereign lady or pure woman. .
- Manuela(or variations, such as Manoela and Manuelly) – it means God is with us.
- Margarete – it comes from the English variant Margareth, and it means pearl.
- Margarida– it also means pearl.
- Mariana– it means a sovereign lady full of grace or pure and graceful woman.
- Marília– it means purity and virginity.
- Marina – this pretty name means the woman who comes from the sea.
- Matilde– it means strength in battle or strong warrior.
- Maiara– it comes from Tupi-Guarani, and it means the great-grandmother or lady.
- Morena– this means the one who has a brown color, the tanned woman.
- Monique– the French variant of Monica, and it means alone and lonely.
- Maya– this baby girl’s name means mother.
- Madalena– it means the one who lives in the Tower of God or the inhabitant of Magdala.
- Marcela– it means little warrior dedicated to the god Mars.
- Maria is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Nathalia– this sweet girl’s name means born on Christmas day.
- Neusa– it means swimmer or the one who can swim.
- Noêmia– this name means my delight or my sweetness.
- Neusa is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Otávia– it means Eighth and is associated with the lucky number 8.
- Olivia– it means olive and is a Spanish name derived from the olive tree.
- Otavia is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Priscila– it means a woman who belongs to Prisco.
- Palmira– it means palm tree or the one who was born surrounded by palm trees.
- Paloma– it means dove. Paloma is a feminine name of Spanish origin.
- Patrícia– it means noble or woman of the noble class.
- Paula– it means small and delicate woman.
- Pilar– it means pillar in Latin and is a popular name in Spain.
- Plácida– it is a Latin name that means pacific.
- Palmira is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Quitéria– This Brazilian baby name means quiet, beautiful, and the woman who was born on the island of Cítera.
- Raquel– it means peaceful woman.
- Raissa– it means daughter or descendant of Hera.
- Regina– it means queen or greatest lady.
- Renata– this name means reborn, resurrected, or born a second time.
- Ricarda – it means strong and brave princess.
- Rita– it means pearl, enlightened, or creature of light.
- Romana – it means inhabitant of Rome or one who was born in Rome.
- Rosa – it means beautiful flower.
- Rosário– it literally means rosary.
- Rita is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Sabrina– this Celtic name means princess.
- Samara– it means from Samaria or the woman who came from the city kept by God.
- Serafina– it means heavenly and angelic.
- Severina– it means severe and harsh.
- Sílvia– this name means the one who lives in the forest.
- Socorro– it literally means help and is a name of religious origin.
- Sofia– it means wise woman.
- Soraia– it means princess, bright woman, or the morning star.
- Simone– it means the listener or obedient woman.
- Susana(or variations, such as Suzana and Suzane) – this popular name means lily or purity.
- Soraia is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Teresa– it means native of Tera.
- Taís (and variations, such as Thais)- it means contemplated with admiration or the woman who must be contemplated.
- Tânia– it means the woman who belongs to the father or who is similar to the father.
- Talita– this cute name means the reborn child.
- Tamires– it means the woman who is rich in dates or the one who has palm trees.
- Telma– it means lovable or the one who is under the protection of the anses (Scandinavian gods).
- Tais is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Úrsula– it means little bear.
- Vivian (and variations, such as Viviane and Viviana) – it means woman full of life.
- Valdirene– it means the woman who has the peacemaking power or the one who governs with peace.
- Vanessa– it means to be like a butterfly.
- Valentina– it means brave and strong.
- Vânia– it means blessed and gifted by God.
- Virgínia– it means virgin and maiden.
- Vitória– it means victory and winner.
- Valdirene is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Wanessa– it is a variation of the name Vanessa, and it means to be like a butterfly.
- Wilma– it means purposeful and courageous protector.
- Walquíria– this name means the woman who chooses the deceased. It is a variant of
- Valkyrie; a name originated from the ancient Nordic Valkyrja.
- Walesca– it means brave, healthy, and full of health.
- Wilma is a popular Brazilian name for girls
- Xayane– it means the woman who is a red speaker.
- Xantina – Little saint
- Xoana – God is gracious
- Xena– it means hospitality.
- Xerazade– this Brazilian female name means daughter of the night
- Yasmin– it means jasmine.
- Yara – Water lady
- Yuliana – Youthful
- Yumi – A beautiful archery bow
- Zantina – Little saint
- Zoie -Life
- Yolanda– it means violet.
- Yara – this Brazilian female name means lady of the water or mother of water.
- Zaíra – it means the one with shiny skin.
- Zélia – it means zealous or the one who cares.
- Zilda – it means beautiful.
- Zulmira– it means sublime and brilliant.