50 Bread Puns With Names, Love, Pick Up Lines, Funny Jokes

Bread Puns are jokes exploiting the different possible meanings of bread. Existing bread puns sometimes are based on jokes, romantic names, which are hilarious and just for entertaining purposes. Here are 50 bread Puns.


No Pain No Grain Artwork by GalaxyChicken at Redbubble.


  1. How does bread woo a lover?
    With lots of flours.
  2.  The world needs more loaf.
  3. Which loaf do you call when you need a super-hero?WonderBread
  4. When two bread loaves like each other, what do they do? Go on a carbo-hi-date
  5. Why did the hamburger roll refuse to go on a carbo-hi-date with Mr. Sourdough? She loaved him
  6. Why did the hamburger bun and the hotdog roll break up? There wasn’t enough crust in their relationship.
  7. Why did the rolls hang out on a street corner? They were just loafing around.
  8. What does a loaf of bread say when breaking up with his girlfriend? You deserve butter.


  1. I loaf you
  2. My loaf, care to get dough & crumby tonight?
  3. It would be a lot butter-full if you showed up.  I’m always bready.
  4. I have the ability to bake you into happiness.
  5. If you wish please bread with me.
  6. At yeast you’re in my thoughts, all the time.
  7. Even Rye now I couldn’t stop thinking of you.


  1. What do bakers read for excitement?              50 Shades of Grain
  2. Why did the bread loaf end up in the hospital? She had a yeast infection.
  3. What is the cure for a yeast infection?         Grain surgery.
  4. What did the piece of toast say when he discovered his fate? You butter be kidding me
  5. Why was the loaf of bread upset? His plan was always going rye.
  6. Why did the man keep punching his doughy friend? To get a rise out of him!
  7. What did one bread lover say to the other?Before I break down and rye, I want you to know that I loaf you.
  8. You’re leaven me here all by myself?
  9. What did the toast say to the psychic? You bread my mind!
  10. What does bread say to a friend after doing them a favor? It’s the yeast I could do.
  11. What do bread kids say during hide-and-seek?Bready or not, here I crumb!
  12. What’s the only bin you’d throw something delicious into? A bread bin
  13. What did mama bread say to her kids?   It’s way past your breadtime!
  14. Why have Spanish people been baking lots of bread? Because of the pan-demic.
  15. How do you get a raise at the bread factory?Butter up your boss.
  16. How do you make dog bread?  Just use collie flour.
  17. Why did the aging bread roll retire?    Her career was already toast.
  18. What’s the worst thing about a bread pun?      It tends to get stale.
  19. I don’t need money. I’m on a flourly wage.
  20. I think you need your bread examined.
  21. Half-baked bread puns are the worst.
  22. She was naan the wiser.
  23. They had a loaf-changing experience.
  24. It’s scone to be a lot of fun!
  25. What’s a mermaid’s favorite meal? A sand-wich!
  26. Batter safe than sorry.


  1. Puff Daddy
  2. Bread Pitt
  3. Little Yeasty
  4. Walter Wheat
  5. Doughbalina
  6. Herculyeast
  7. David Dowie (Doughie)
  8. Hoochie Mama
  9. Sir Rise-a-Lot
  10. Doughrothy
  11. Francisco
  12. Clint Yeastwood
  13. The Weirdough.