Do Electric cars use oil?

Electronic vehicles are vehicles that are either partially or fully powered on electric power. For an Electric car to use oil is dependent on its type; if it’s a fully electric car or partially electric car.


A fully powered electric car does not need oil in order to function.  Electric cars have an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The car uses a large traction battery pack that powers the electric motor and it must be plugged into charging equipment called the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).


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The Electric vehicle has a battery (All-electric auxiliary), Charge Port, DC/DC converter, Electric traction motor, Onboard charger, Power electronics controller, Thermal system for cooling, traction battery pack, and electric transmission which are the key components of an electric that enables the car to move without oil.

However, partially electric cars use oil for a long journey but can a shorter distance when the car is fully charged.