“Eh Bee Family” currently “the Bee Family” is a family of internet celebrities recognized for their vine, youtube channel, and other Instagram pages. They are Canadians who have been able to grab the likes of many social media users.
Considering their total subscriptions and views, they have been able to amass over 9million subscribers and 2 billion views. “Eh Bee” is a family of four, which includes, the father, Andrés Burgos, also called Papa Bee, the mother, Rossana Burgos, known as Mama Bee, their two children Roberto Burgos, known as Mr. Monkey or Mr. Bee and Gabriela Burgos, also known as Gabriela Bee, Miss Monkey, or Miss Bee.
Papa Bee and Mama Bee were born on November 25, 1977, and October 2, 1979, in Chile and Uruguay, respectively. The family belongs to the ethnicity of Chileans and Uruguayan. Miss Bee was born on September 9, 2006, under the zodiac sign of Virgo in Thornhill. She is into music and stands a height of 5feet 1inch and weighs 48kg. However, Mr, Bee who is their only son, was also born on April 30, 2005. Together, They work on the channel to meet the interest of their subscribers.
Being a web developer, Papa Bee joined the Youtube community on June 21, 2013. His activeness, subscriptions, and content earned him the Armstrong Vine Award Grand Prize in 2015.Тhеу hаvе ѕtаrrеd іn аdvеrtіѕеmеntѕ fоr hugе соmраnіеѕ аnd brаndѕ ѕuсh аѕ Јоhnѕоn & Јоhnѕоn, Тоуоtа, аnd Rеgаl Сіnеmаѕ. Some cooperate advertisers they worked with, include Вuzzfееd, іn thе Nеw Yоrk Dаіlу Nеwѕ, Тоdау.соm аnd Gооd Моrnіng Аmеrіса. Their youtube channel is still getting a higher height with over 9.5 million subscribers and 2.6 billion views.
Eh Bee Family Net Worth
The estimated net worth of the Eh Bee Family is $7 million. The source of their wealth is from their youtube channel and its related advertisement and sponsorships. They are able to get 360,000 views in a day. The running ads also help generates an estimated revenue of $2,800 per day ($1 million a year).