Veteran Nollywood actor Francis Duru has tragically lost his son, Ifeanyi. In a touching social media post, Duru described his son as a courageous fighter who battled bravely until the end.
Despite the profound sadness, Duru expressed gratitude to God for the strength and support he has received during this difficult time.
Francis Duru, who was honored with the United Nations Ambassador of Peace award in 2007 for his positive impact on young people, has also held prominent roles in the industry.
In 2010, he served as the interim president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria and was nominated for Best Actor in a Supporting Role at the Africa Movie Academy Awards.
Beyond his acting career, Duru has dedicated himself to improving education and living standards for African children.
He has collaborated with several local and international NGOs, including UNICEF, USAID, LEAP Africa, and COMPASS, to advance these causes.
His contributions reflect his commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of young people across the continent.
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