How to relax natural hair without chemicals

Hairs can be relaxed naturally without the use of chemicals. One of the natural ways is the use of Coconut cream.


Coconut cream is a very popular ingredient when it comes to relaxing your hair naturally.

It moisturizes and softens your hair well. All you need to do is take 4 tbsp of coconut cream, 2 tbsp of coconut oil, and 12 oz of fat-free yogurt. 1st melt the coconut cream and coconut oil in a boiler and then add yogurt into it.

How to relax natural hair without chemicals I

What can I use instead of a hair relaxer?

There are alternatives to relax hair than using a hair relaxer. You can use hair chalks, hair paint wax, temporary hair color spray, or get a hair rinse.

How can I soften my hair without a relaxer?

You can use Coconut, Olive, and Argan oil to soften your hair without necessarily using a relaxer.


How can I go natural without relaxed hair?

Image result for How can I go natural without relaxed hair?
Relaxers are permanent, so whatever parts of your hair that have been in contact with a relaxer will never grow back naturally. Therefore, at some point in time, your hair must be cut off to above the demarcation line.

How do I use coconut milk to relax my natural hair?

Just add two tablespoons of honey to one cup of coconut milk and mix. Smooth it onto your scalp and hair, cover it with a plastic cap, and wrap your head with a towel. Leave it on your hair for one hour, then rinse. Shampoo and condition afterward.
