
VIDEO: Watch Colombian Drug Lord Escaping Prison In Guard’s Uniform


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An unbelievable prison escape was caught on camera.


The said video features a Colombian drug lord breaking out of La Picota Jail in Bogotá by just walking out wearing a prison guard uniform, and he is still on the loose.

The drug lord, Juan Castro, aka “Matamba,” was on the verge of being extradited to the U.S. when he came up with the brilliant plan to dress up as a guard and walk out of the facility.

Juan Castro’s  escape was so discreet that it wasn’t noticed that he was missing until the next day.

Since the “prison break”, prison director Juan Gordillo and all 55 guards working at the time of the escape have been suspended.

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The correctional officer suspected of giving Castro his uniform has also been arrested.

President Iván Duque said he was outraged by Matamba’s escape and announced a reform of the jail system.


Matamba had been in jail since May 2021 following his arrest on drugs charges and was wanted for extradition by the United States.

Matamba is accused of running up to 20% of the cocaine shipments from Nariño province, in Colombia’s south-west.

It is not the first time Matamba has broken out of prison, there are at least two previous instances in which he fled, but both times he was recaptured.

Watch the video below:


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