AT&T offers a variety of plans, each with different limits. For instance, AT&T’s Unlimited Elite plan provides unlimited high-speed data that can’t slow down based on how much you use.
However, it’s important to note that this plan is the most expensive one offered by AT&T. The Unlimited Extra plan comes with 75GB of premium data, after which AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy.
AT&T also offers an Unlimited Starter plan, which doesn’t guarantee any amount of premium data. This means that AT&T may temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy, regardless of how much data a customer has used.
In terms of internet service, AT&T has no data caps for its fiber internet plans. You get unlimited data with any of AT&T’s fiber internet plans, which range in speeds from 300Mbps to 5Gbps.
For hotspot data, AT&T does not offer truly unlimited data. The AT&T Unlimited Premium plan provides 60GB of hotspot data. After 60GB, speeds are slowed to a maximum of 128kbps.
In conclusion, while AT&T does offer unlimited plans, it’s important to understand that “unlimited” can mean different things depending on the specific plan and type of data. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to carefully review the details of a plan before making a decision.
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