Chewbacca, otherwise known as Chewie, was a Wookiee male warrior, smuggler, mechanic, pilot, and resistance fighter.
Chewbacca has fought in the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, the Cold War as well as subsequent First Order-Resistance War. He hailed from a planet called Kashyyyk where he was born in the city of Rwookrrorro, one hundred and eighty years before the Clone Wars.
Chewie was born to parents Attichitcuk and a female Wookiee. He was married to a female named Mallatobuck and had a son named Lumpawaroo. He became a Wookiee military leader and is best known as the loyal friend and first mate of Han Solo.
Chewie serves as co-pilot on Solo’s spaceship, the Millennium Falcon and together with Han Solo assisted the Rebel Alliance in defeating the Galactic Empire. He later commanded Wookiee forces of the Kachirho Wookiee Militia during the Battle of Kashyyyk alongside the Grand Army of the Republic which was led by Jedi General Yoda.
Did Chewie Die?
No, Chewbacca’s death was a major fake-out and he did not die.
What age did Chewie die?
Chewie died in 25 ABY, the first year of the Yuuzhan Vong War where he gave his life during the Destruction of Sernpidal to save Anakin Solo.
Who killed Chewie?
Rey killed Chewie. Following Chewie’s capture by the First Order, Rey accidentally destroyed the ship on which he was on with Force lightning.
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