Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, starts off the three-day Easter festival, which is the most important period of the year for Christians.
We are urged to remember and commemorate 3 events on Holy Thursday: the Last Supper, Jesus’ washing of the Apostles’ feet, Christ’s pain and prayer in Gethsemane, and Jesus’ arrest.
Christians commemorate the Last Supper on this day. Jesus took bread and wine and shared them with his disciples at the dinner. As part of their worship in church, Christians continue to share bread and wine.
The Last Supper was most likely a Passover dinner, which Jewish people eat together to commemorate God’s deliverance of Moses and the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
The Maundy Thursday night Thursday is the night in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
Maundy comes from the Latin word “mandatum,” which means “command,” and is used in the foot-washing ceremony that is part of several religious services.
According to St. John’s gospel, Jesus bathed his followers’ feet before the Last Supper to demonstrate his humility.
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