Julian Assange is 50 years old.
Julian Assange birthday
When does Julian Assange celebrate his birthday? Julian Assange celebrates his birthday every July 3.
Julian Assange date of birth
When was Julian Assange born? Julian Assange was born on July 3, 1971.
Julian Assange is an Australian editor, publisher and activist who is the founder of WikiLeaks in 2006; the platform which came to light in 2010 after it published a series of leaks provided by the U.S. Army Intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.
Julian Assange ‘Crime’
What did Julian Assange do? Julian Assange and two other ‘hackers’ known as Trax and Prime Suspect, formed a hacking group dubbed “The International Subversives.” According to sources, Julian Assange with his group of hackers might have been involved in something called WANK – Worms Against Nuclear Killers – which hacked NASA in 1989, however, this claim was never proven.
Julian Assange children
Does Julian Assange have children? Who are Julian Assange’s children? Julian Assange has just one child, a son called Daniel Assange.
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