Polly Lomas is the daughter of popular actress, Kym Marsh.
Polly Lomas age
How old is Polly Lomas? What is Polly Lomas’ age? Polly Lomas is 11 years old.
Polly Lomas birthday
When does Polly Lomas celebrate her birthday? What is Polly Lomas’ birthday? Polly Lomas celebrates her birthday every March 23.
Polly Lomas date of birth
When was Polly Lomas born? What is Polly Lomas’ date of birth? Polly Lomas was born on March 23, 2011.
Polly Lomas teeth
What do Polly Lomas’ teeth look like?
Polly Lomas father
Who is Polly Lomas’ father? Polly Lomas was born to Jamie Lomas.
Polly Lomas siblings
How many siblings does Polly Lomas have? Who are Polly Lomas’ siblings? Polly Lomas has three siblings; they are Emily Mae Cunliffe, Archie Jay Lomas, and David Ryan Cunliffe.
Polly Lomas grandparents
Who are Polly Lomas’ grandparents? Polly Lomas’ grandparents are Pauline Marsh, David Marsh, and Helen Webb.
Polly Lomas movies
Has Polly Lomas starred in any movies yet? Polly Lomas has starred in just one movie dubbed Lead Belly (2019).
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