
What movies has Alba Baptista been in? What are some of the popular tv shows by Alba Baptista?


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Alba Baptista has starred in several Portuguese series and films including A Impostora, Filha da Lei, A Criação, and Jogo Duplo.


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Alba Baptista starred in the lead role of Ava in Netflix’s series Warrior Nun, which was released on 2 July 2020. In 2019, Alba Baptista appeared in the film Patrick directed by Gonçalo Waddington.

Some of Alba Baptista’s Movie and TV show appearances are:

  • Imagens Proibida
  • Patrick
  • Fatima Senhora Lopes Daughter
  • Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris


  • País Irmão
  • Jogo Duplo
  • Warrior Nun

Alba Baptista started her career as the main character in Simão Cayatte’s short film Miami when she was 16 years old. For her performance in the short film Miami, Alba Baptista received the Best Actress Award at the Festival Ibérico de Ciné.

Alba Baptista played the role of “Catarina” in Caminhos Magnétykos by Edgar Pêra and has appeared in Equinócio by Ivo Ferreira.

Alba Baptista is represented by UTA Talents in the United States, Subtitle Talent in the UK, and Elite Lisbon in Portugal.


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