
Dawn Whitham Obituary


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Dawn Whitham, a former bodybuilder and powerlifter, lost her lengthy fight with illness on February 14, 2023. Her Facebook account was used to share the news of her passing. Whitham received a brain cancer diagnosis a long time ago. Since then, she has been chronicling her medical care and sharing it with her fans. Additionally, Whitham stated she has cancer from melanoma in a post published in November 2022. (tanning).



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Dawn Whitham Obituary

Dawn Whitham, a veteran of both bodybuilding and powerlifting, gained notoriety through regional competition starting in the late 1980s. Her passing was tragically announced on Facebook on February 14, 2023. She had been battling brain cancer, but the precise cause of death has not been made public.

For her incredible strength, Dawn Whitham first attracted attention as a powerlifter. She was able to perform a monstrous 405-pound squat for six repetitions and a 405-pound bench press for three repetitions during her career. In addition to these accomplishments, she also set absurd records for 185-pound bench press sets of 32 reps and 225-pound squat sets of 63 reps.


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