Blooket is a gamified learning platform and a new take on trivia and review games. Blooket operates by offering immersive gameplay and lots of teacher tweaks to enhance teaching and learning.
In the world of Blooket, teachers or hosts are given the opportunity to select a preferred question set and a game mode for teaching. A code is then generated to allow other participants to join and participate.
The gamified learning platform keeps students in exciting mode with more fun and education-related games. Participating students are awarded immensely for answering questions and also explore new methods of learning.
How long is a Blooket ban?
The Blooket ban on a user’s account can take one week or more.
Can you get banned off Blooket?
Yes, a user can be banned from using his or her Blooket account. This is because Blooket does not consider information-related errors.
Users in violation of this Policy will be subjected to disciplinary action that could lead to the banning of their account.
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