Denise Russo Obituary
The news that Denise Russo had passed away on Friday, July 15, 2022, was first disseminated to the general public by the establishment known as Perinchief Chapels in Mount Holly, which is found in the state of New Jersey. This particular location can be found in the town of New Jersey. The death of Russo occurred the prior week on Friday, July 15th, 2022.
In addition to that, she is survived by both her husband and a stepson who goes by the name of Cody Agasi of Mokel. She is survived by her husband as well as her stepson Cody Agasi of Mokel. Both of these men are from Mokel.
Cody Agasi, the stepson she had with Mokel, is one of the people who will continue to carry on her legacy after she has died away. He is one of the people who will continue to carry on her legacy.
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