Timo Kulczak is the ex-husband of South African dancer, Motsi Mabuse. They were married for 11 years -from 2003 to 2014.
Timo Kulczak age
How old is Timo Kulczak? What is Timo Kulczak’s age? Timo Kulczak is 45 years old.
Timo Kulczak birthday
What is Timo Kulczak’s birthday? When does Timo Kulczak celebrate his birthday? Timo Kulczak celebrates his birthday every April 27.
Timo Kulczak education
Where did Timo Kulczak attend school? Which school did Timo Kulczak attend? Timo Kulczak attended Friedrich-Dessauer-Gymnasium and Karlsruhe University of Education.
Timo Kulczak nationality
What is Timo Kulczak’s nationality? Timo Kulczak is a German national.
What did Motsi Mabuse say about her husband?
Motsi Mabuse once shared that her husband was controlling and that they fought every day.
“Timo and I went to Thailand, and I told him, once and for all, that I was leaving. We fought every day, but I refused to back down this time,” she said.
“I wasn’t in love with Timo anymore – and I hadn’t been for a while,” she added.
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