Professional baseball player, Randy Arozarena was born in Mantua, Cuba.
Where is Randy Arozarena now?
Randy Arozarena currently plays as an outfielder for the Tampa By Rays of the Major League Baseball.
What happened to Randy Arozarena?
Did Randy Arozarena commit a crime? Randy Arozarena did not commit a crime per se, however, in 2020, he was arrested in Mexico regarding issues relating to his child’s custody and his ex partner.
“We are aware of reports that Randy Arozarena was detained in Mexico. We are gathering more information on this situation, and we have no further comment at this time,” The Tampa Bay Rays shared in a statement.
Arozarena said nothing concerning the issue of his arrest. The commissioner of the Yucatan state police also share that the department was investigating the issue.
“We are aware and looking into it,” the commissioner said.
According to sources, the woman involved in the incident was a Colombian woman Arozarena was with early on.
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