Mandy Stein was the daughter and only child of American record producer, Seymour Stein.
Mandy Stein profession
What is Mandy Stein’s profession? What does Mandy Stein do for a living? Mandy Stein is a film producer and film director.
Mandy Stein movies
What are some of the popular movies by Mandy Stein? What movies is Mandy Stein known for? Mandy Stein is known for a few popular movies. Some of them include;
- Bad Brains: A Band in DC.
- What Remains,
- You See Me Laughin’
Mandy Stein age
How old is Mandy Stein? What is Mandy Stein’s age? Mandy Stein is 43 years old.
Mandy Stein birthday
When does Mandy Stein celebrate her birthday? What is Mandy Stein’s birthday? Mandy Stein celebrates her birthday every January 14.
Mandy Stein education
Which school did Mandy Stein attend? Where did Mandy Stein attend school? What is Mandy Stein’s educational background? Mandy Stein attended Kent School.
Mandy Stein children
Does Mandy Stein have any children? Who are Mandy Stein’s children? Mandy Stein has three daughters, however, their identities are not known yet.
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