
John Raisian Wife: Is John Raisian Married?


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Since his appointment in 1990 until his retirement in 2015, John Raisian served as the Tad and Dianne Taube director of the Hoover Institution. Raisian oversaw the Institution’s transformation into the most significant academic hub for the study of public policy during his tenure there.


image credit; Daily Mail

At the Office of Research and Evaluation, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Raisian started his career in government service in 1980 as a senior economist. After serving as the office’s special assistant for economic policy from 1981 to 1983, he was appointed director of research and technical assistance (1983–1984). He then joined the office of the assistant US secretary of labor for policy. In 1983, he worked as the Task Force on Food and Aid under President Reagan’s executive direction.


John Raisian Wife: Is John Raisian Married?

Claudia Morgan, John Raisian’s wife, and his daughters are left behind.

In Washington, DC, Raisian inaugurated the Hoover’s Johnson Center in 2013. In addition to giving fellows access to journalists and media outlets, the offices in the nation’s capital also give them a venue for interaction with the policy community, preparation for testimony before the US Congress and federal agencies, and briefing of decision-makers in the executive and legislative branches.




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