Famous comedian, Harry Hill is 58 years old.
Harry Hill birthday
When does Harry Hill celebrate his birthday? What is Harry Hill’s birthday? Harry Hill celebrates his birthday every October 1.
Harry Hill date of birth
When was Harry Hill born? What is Harry Hill’s date of birth? Harry Hill was born on October 1, 1964.
Where is Harry Hill now?
Harry Hill currently lives in Whitstable, Kent, with his family.
What happened to Harry Hill?
Was Harry Hill robbed? How did Harry Hill lose money? What happened to Harry Hill in 2006? Harry Hill was a victim of identity theft when a sum of £280,000 was stolen from his bank account in February 2006.
Hill began his career in radio and television comedy with the radio series Harry Hill’s Fruit Corner from 1993 to 1997. He also hosted his own television comedy show Harry Hill’s TV Burp from 2001 to 2012.
He released a self-titled movie dubbed The Harry Hill Movie in 2013.
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