
Drew Rosenhaus Children: Meet Ella Ruth Rosenhaus and Blair Rosenhaus


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Ella Ruth Rosenhaus and Blair Rosenhaus are the children of American sports agent, Drew Rosenhaus.


Drew Rosenhaus and family / Credit: Twitter

Ella Ruth Rosenhaus age

How old is Ella Ruth Rosenhaus? What is Ella Ruth Rosenhaus’ agent? Ella Ruth Rosenhaus is 7 years old.

Ella Ruth Rosenhaus birthday

When does Ella Ruth Rosenhaus celebrate her birthday? What is Ella Ruth Rosenhaus’ brithday? Ella Ruth Rosenhaus celebrates her birthday every October 28.


Ella Ruth Rosenhaus date of birth

When was Ella Ruth Rosenhaus born? What is Ella Ruth Rosenhaus’ date of birth? Ella Ruth Rosenhaus was born on October 28, 2015.

Blair Rosenhaus age

How old is Blair Rosenhaus? What is Blair Rosenhaus’ agent? Blair Rosenhaus is 3 years old.

Blair Rosenhaus birthday

When does Blair Rosenhaus celebrate his birthday? What is Blair Rosenhaus’ birthday? Blair Rosenhaus celebrates her birthday every August 16.

Blair Rosenhaus date of birth

When was Blair Rosenhaus born? What is Blair Rosenhaus’ date of birth? Blair Rosenhaus was born on August 16, 2018.

There are two other children named Conan and Robert who are below three years old.


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