Alisha Aguilar is the wife of American politician Pete Aguilar.
Alisha Aguilar age
How old is Alisha Aguilar? Alisha Aguilar’s age is not known yet, there is very little information about her.
Alisha Aguilar children
Does Alisha Aguilar have any children? Alisha Aguilar has two children with Pete Aguilar. They are Palmer Aguilar and Evan Aguilar.
Pete Aguilar is currently serving as the United States representative from California’s 31st congressional district.
Pete Aguilar age
How old is Pete Aguilar? Pete Aguilar is 43 years old.
Pete Aguilar birthday
When does Pete Aguilar celebrate his birthday? Pete Aguilar celebrates his birthday every June 19.
Pete Aguilar date of birth
When was Pete Aguilar born? Pete Aguilar was born on June 19, 1979.
Pete Aguilar Mayor
Was Pete Aguilar a mayor? Pete Aguilar was the Mayor of Redlands from 2010-2014.
Pete Aguilar educational background
Which schools did Pete Aguilar attend? Pete Aguilar attended the University of Redlands where he studied government and business administration.
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