
Amanda Bynes Parents: Meet Lynn Organ And Rick Bynes


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Lynn Organ and Rick Bynes are the parents of Amanda Bynes.


Amanda Bynes | Credit: Twitter

Lynn Organ

Who is Lynn Organ? Lynn Organ is the mother of Amanda Bynes.

Lynn Organ profession

What is Lynn Organ’s profession? Lynn Organ is a Dentist Assistant.

Rick Bynes

Who is Rick Bynes? Rick Bynes is the father of Amanda Bynes.

Rick Bynes profession

What is Rick Bynes’ profession? Rick Bynes is a Dentist.


Amanda Bynes childhood

What happened to Amanda Bynes’ childhood? Amanda Bynes once shared that her dad was verbally and physically abusive to her as a child.

He called me ugly as a child and then asked me if I wanted to have sex with him and I did not know how to respond and I said no and then I was forced to live with my dad which was a total nightmare.

Amanda Bynes now

Where is Amanda Bynes now? What does Amanda Bynes do now? What is Amanda Bynes doing now? Amanda Bynes is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles.


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