Lynn Organ and Rick Bynes are the parents of Amanda Bynes.
Lynn Organ
Who is Lynn Organ? Lynn Organ is the mother of Amanda Bynes.
Lynn Organ profession
What is Lynn Organ’s profession? Lynn Organ is a Dentist Assistant.
Rick Bynes
Who is Rick Bynes? Rick Bynes is the father of Amanda Bynes.
Rick Bynes profession
What is Rick Bynes’ profession? Rick Bynes is a Dentist.
Amanda Bynes childhood
What happened to Amanda Bynes’ childhood? Amanda Bynes once shared that her dad was verbally and physically abusive to her as a child.
“He called me ugly as a child and then asked me if I wanted to have sex with him and I did not know how to respond and I said no and then I was forced to live with my dad which was a total nightmare.”
Amanda Bynes now
Where is Amanda Bynes now? What does Amanda Bynes do now? What is Amanda Bynes doing now? Amanda Bynes is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles.
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