
BBNaija: Maria Chike Tests Positive For Covid-19, Quarantines In Ghana Till Recovery


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Maria Chike of BBNaija Shine Ye Eye season, has reveled that she has tested positive for covid-19 and is receiving treatment.



In a post Maria shared on her instgram story, she gave detailed information about her covid issues and how she is being treated. Maria appreciated her fans for their immense love and support and also all those that slid into her DM to check up on her.

Maria BBN

According to the finance of Kelvin Anene, She tested positive few hours after she returned from Dubai. Maria indicated that, she tested negative whilst she was in Dubai but on arrival, two different results was attained.

Maria Chike

One doctor had a negative results and the other had a positive results. Finally after some hours later, the final test results proved she was infected with the virus. However she relayed the information that she would be quarantined in Ghana till she recovers and is no more positive before she returns to work.

Maria Chike

Having experienced this, she used those medium to advise the youth and her followers to not joke with the virus as its still in the system. She advised they take the instructions given with regards to the virus and encouraged them adhere to the Covid-19 prtocols.

See the post below:


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