Sian Osborne is the current partner of popular British former professional boxer, David Haye.
Sian Osborne relationship
How long has Sian Osborne been with David Haye? How many years have Sian Osborne and David Haye dated? Sian Osborne and David Haye have been in a romantic relationship for 2 years.
Sian Osborne profession
What is Sian Osborne’s profession? What does Sian Osborne do for a living? Sian Osborne is a fashion model by profession.
Sian Osborne open relationship
Does Sian Osborne have an open relationship with David Haye? Sian Osborne and David Haye have reportedly agreed to have an open relationship. According to a close source, they have added a second party, singer Una Healy to their relationship to make it more fun.
“David and Sian created a profile on Raya to find the perfect partner to enter their relationship. The app is very exclusive and discreet, which was perfect for them to explore their options, they were very much in this arrangement together and after being together for two years decided to open their relationship up. The profile was under David’s name and there were photographs of him and Sian together and glamorous photos of her from around the world,” the source revealed.
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