Jessica Cox is the wife of American baseball player, Mike Trout.
Jessica Cox relationship
When did Jessica Cox and Mike Trout meet? Jessica Cox and Mike Trout have been sweethearts since high school.
Jessica Cox profession
What is Jessica Cox’s profession? What work does Jessica Cox do? Jessica Cox is a professional teacher who attends to children with special needs at Dennis Township School Board, New Jersey.
Jessica Cox age
How old is Jessica Cox? Jessica Cox is 32 years old.
Jessica Cox birthday
When does Jessica Cox celebrate his birthday? Jessica Cox celebrates his birthday every October 5.
Jessica Cox date of birth
When was Jessica Cox born? Jessica Cox was born on October 5, 1989.
Jessica Cox education
What is Jessica Cox’s educational background? Jessica Cox attended Millville Senior High School and got her bachelor’s degree in elementary and special education at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania.
Jessica Cox children
Does Jessica Cox have any children with Jessica Cox? Jessica Cox has a son together called Beckham Aaron Trout.
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