Professional football player for the Los Angeles Chargers, Asante Samuel Jr. has done 0 yards so far in his career. Considering that he is just one season into the National Football League, it is quite understandable.
Asante Samuel Jr. total tackles
How many total tackles has Asante Samuel Jr. made? Asante Samuel Jr. has made 47 total tackles so far.
Asante Samuel Jr. forced fumbles
How many forced fumbles has Asante Samuel Jr. made? Asante Samuel Jr. has made 0 forced fumbles so far.
Asante Samuel Jr. pass deflections
How many pass deflections does Asante Samuel Jr. have? Asante Samuel Jr. has 13 pass deflections.
Asante Samuel Jr. Interceptions
How many interceptions has Asante Samuel Jr. made so far? Asante Samuel Jr. has made 3 interceptions so far.
Who drafted Asante Samuel Jr.?
Asante Samuel Jr. was drafted by the Los Angeles Chargers of the National Football League.
When was Asante Samuel Jr. drafted?
Asante Samuel Jr. was drafted on May 12, 2021.
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