Lead guitarist of the Foo Fighters band, Chris Shiflett is 51 years old.
Chris Shiflett birthday
When does Chris Shiflett celebrate his birthday? What is Chris Shiflett’s birthday? Chris Shiflett celebrates his birthday every May 6.
Chris Shiflett date of birth
When was Chris Shiflett born? What is Chris Shiflett’s date of birth? Chris Shiflett was born on May 6, 1971.
Where is Chris Shiflett from?
What is Chris Shiflett’s nationality? Which country is Chris Shiflett from? Chris Shiflett is an American national.
Chris Shiflett hometown
Where was Chris Shiflett born? Where is Chris Shiflett’s hometown? Chris Shiflett was born in Santa Barbara, California, United States.
He started his career in a band called Lost Kittenz. A while later, he moved to another band as the lead guitarist. He moved to the San Francisco Bay Area punk rock band ‘No Use for a Name.’
He also auditioned as a guitarist for Foo Fighters and got in after recording There Is Nothing Left To Lose with the band. Due to his abrupt departure from No Use for a Name, his fellow members of the band who were about to head on tour had to find a replacement, which Dave Grohl became a good fit for.
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