Famous actor, Edward James Olmo, who is a recipient of a Golden Globe award and an Emmy award, is 76 years old.
Edward James Olmos birthday
When does Edward James Olmos celebrate his birthday? What is Edward James Olmos’ birthday? Edward James Olmos celebrates his birthday every February 24.
Edward James Olmos date of birth
When was Edward James Olmos born? What is Edward James Olmos’ date of birth? Edward James Olmos was born on February 24, 1947.
Where is Edward James Olmos from?
Edward James Olmos is an American national by birth.
Edward James Olmos hometown
Where is Edward James Olmos’ hometown? Which city is Edward James Olmos from? Edward James Olmos was born in East Los Angeles, California, United States.
Olmos is the first American-born Hispanic to receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, which was a result of his role as Jaime Escalante in Stand and Deliver.
He branched out of music to acting in the late 1960s and early 1970s. For his debut roles, he appeared in several movies and tv shows including Zoot Suit, Wolfen, Blade Runner, The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, and more.
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