Famous actor, Mark Hamill is 71 years old.
Mark Hamill birthday
When does Mark Hamill celebrate his birthday? What is Mark Hamill’s birthday? Mark Hamill celebrates his birthday every September 25.
Mark Hamill date of birth
When was Mark Hamill born? What is Mark Hamill’s date of birth? Mark Hamill was born on September 25, 1951.
Where is Mark Hamill from?
What nationality is Mark Hamill? Which country is Mark Hamill from? Mark Hamill is an American national by birth.
Where is Mark Hamill’s hometown?
Mark Hamill was born in Oakland, California, United States.
He began his career at a very early age. One of his early career appearances was in the soap opera General Hospital, as well as The Texas Wheelers. His first movie in the Star Wars franchise was in 1977 when he starred in Star Wars: A New Hope in 1977 and played the role of Luke Skywalker.
Hamill’s Star Wars movies, documentaries, and other collections include Star Wars Holiday Special, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Making of Star Wars, Empire of Dreams: The Story of Star Wars Trilogy, From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga, The Mandalorian Season 2, and more.
He has also played several voice-acting roles in his career for both DC and Marvel comics. Some of these animated movies and shows include The Incredible Hulk, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Ultimate Spider-Man, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Phantom 2040, and more.
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