English-American guitarist and singer-songwriter, Peter Frampton is 72 years old.
Peter Frampton birthday
When does Peter Frampton celebrate his birthday? What is Peter Frampton’s birthday? Peter Frampton celebrates his birthday every April 22.
Peter Frampton date of birth
When was Peter Frampton born? What is Peter Frampton’s date of birth? Peter Frampton was born on April 22, 1950.
Where does Peter Frampton live currently?
Peter Frampton is currently living in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. He moved to the city in 2014 after divorcing his ex-wife.
Who helped Peter Frampton’s career?
Peter Frampton has shared on countless occasions that the late singer-songwriter, David Bowie helped his career when he asked him (Peter) to go on tour with him in 1987.
“David inviting me to do the album and tour changed my credibility. I got my credibility back that I felt I’d lost when I’m In You came out. A teenybopper star, his length of career is about 18 months, whereas a musician’s career is a lifetime. I’m a musician first and foremost. Dave gave me back that credibility to continue and bring people back to me,” he said.
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