
Joe Gonzalez Obituary


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Joe Gonzalez was a captain and a  Florida tight-knit fishing community and a mentor. He is believed to have tagged over 1500 bonefish.


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He started working with the University of Miami’s Tarpon & Bonefish Research Program. In 2008, Joe played a vital part in introducing the tagging program to fishing guides and lodges in Los Roques, Venezuela.


His death was announced on Facebook Death Obituary. They wrote:

 We are deeply saddened by the loss of renowned guide, Captain Joe Gonzalez, a pillar of South Florida’s tight-knit fishing community and a mentor and friend to many. A Florida native, Joe began fishing his home waters at a young age, exploring the Florida Keys and the Bahamas during his summer breaks. He went to guide professionally for more than 30 years in the Florida Keys, Everglades National Park, and Biscayne Bay, where he gained acclaim for his ability to put clients on large bonefish and permit.



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