Julio Urías is a Mexican Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher who currently plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Julio Urías Stats
What is Julio Urías’ career stats? Julio Urías’ MLB statistics through July 25, 2023, are Win–loss record 56–23, Earned run average 3.08 and Strikeouts 670.
Julio Urías Contract
How much is Julio Urías’ contract worth? Julio Urías signed a one-year, $14.25 million contract with the Dodgers for 2023.
Julio Urías Jersey
Julio Urías Height
How tall is Julio Urías? Julio Urías is 183cm tall.
Julio Urías Eye
Does Julio Urías have an eye condition? Julio Urías was born with a defects in his left eye, which resulted in the growth of a benign tumour. He had three surgeries on his left eye as a child to remove a benign tumour.
As a result, his left eye is almost shut, but he can see through it. He underwent elective surgery to repair the issue on May 19, 2015.
Julio Urías Injury
Is Julio Urías injured? Julio Urías is not injured as of this writing. However, he suffered a hamstring strain in May 2023.
Julio Urías Age
How old is Julio Urías? Julio Urías on August 12, 1996, in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. He is 26 years old.
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