Anne Sicco was the wife of French actor, Marcel Marceau.
Anne Sicco age at marriage
How old was Anne Sicco when she married Marcel Marceau? What was Anne Sicco’s age when she married Marcel Marceau? According to soucres, Anne Sicco was just 19 years old when she married Marceau. She was a fan who had reportedly wandered into Marcel Marceau’s dressing room.
Anne Sicco marriage
How long was Anne Sicco married to Marcel Marceau? How many years did Anne Sicco and Marcel Marceau married? Anne Sicco and Marcel Marceau were married for 32 years; from 1975 to 2007 when Marceau died.
Anne Sicco children
Did Anne Sicco have any children? How many children did Anne Sicco have? Who are Anne Sicco’s children? Anne Sicco had a daughter called Aurelia Marceau.
Anne Sicco profession
What is Anne Sicco’s profession? What does Anne Sicco do for a living? What is Anne Sicco’s job? Anne Sicco is a teacher by profession.
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