Ted Seidel is the first husband of American musician, Martie Maguire.
Ted Seide marriage
How long was Ted Seidel married to Martie Maguire? How many years were Ted Seidel and Martie Maguire married? Ted Seidel and Martie Maguire were married for 4 years; from 1995 to 1999.
Ted Seidel children
Does Ted Seidel have any children with Martie Maguire? How many children does Ted Seidel have with Martie Maguire? Who are Ted Seidel’s children? Ted Seidel does not have any children with Martie Maguire.
Ted Seidel profession
What does Ted Seidel do for a living? What does Ted Seidel do for work? What is Ted Seidel’s profession? Ted Seidel’s profession is not known yet.
Ted Seidel age
How old is Ted Seidel? What is Ted Seidel’s age? What age is Ted Seidel? Ted Seidel’s age is not known yet.
There is very little information about him. Not much information about him is known to the general public.
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