
Michael Baden-Powell, 4th Baron Baden-Powell obituary


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Michael Baden-Powell, 4th Baron Baden-Powell obituary – David Michael Baden-Powell, 4th Baron Baden-Powell was an Australian insurance sales agent and financial planner, who was active in supporting the Scout Movement. He was born on 11 December 1940 and died on 3 July 2023 at the age of 82.


Michael was born in Sinoia, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), to Peter Baden-Powell, later 2nd Baron Baden-Powell, and Carine Boardman.

He inherited the barony following the death of his elder brother Robert in 2019.

Michael was the grandson of the founder of World Scouting, Robert Baden-Powell, and Olave Baden-Powell, as well as a great-grandson of the mathematician Baden Powell.

He was educated at Pierrepont School, Frensham, England, and worked for Fairey Aviation as a draftsman until April 1965 when he migrated to Australia and started a career as an insurance sales agent.


Michael Baden-Powell, 4th Baron Baden-Powell | Daily Telegraph

Prior to his relocation to Australia, Michael was a scout leader in Britain. He was heavily involved with Scouts Victoria, holding the position of State Commissioner – Special Duties.

He had held a wide range of other positions in the organization, including membership in associated philanthropic bodies such as the World Scout Foundation and Victorian Scout Foundation.

  • He was also a Freemason and past Master of Baden-Powell Lodge No. 488 in Melbourne, Victoria, a Masonic Lodge founded in 1930, the first named after his grandfather, who donated the Volume of Sacred Law in 1931
  • Michael was also a Freemason of Lodge of Unity Peace and Concord (UK), two Masonic Lodges in the USA and an honorary member of Lodge Amalthea (Melbourne).

He was married to Joan Phillips Berryman, daughter of Horace William Berryman. They got married on 20 August 1966 and had three sons – David who is the new 5th Baron Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Alex, and Myles.



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