Shea Cerveny is the wife of American filmmaker, Mike Flanagan.
Shea Cerveny profession
What is Shea Cerveny’s profession? What does Shea Cerveny do for a living? What does Shea Cerveny do for work? Shea Cerveny is also an actress by profession.
Shea Cerveny movies and tv shows
What are some of the popular movies and tv shows by Shea Cerveny? What movies and tv shows is Shea Cerveny known for? Shea Cerveny is known for several movies and tv shows. Some of them include;
- Ghosts of Hamilton Street.
- Oculus: Chapter 3.
- Plan.
Shea Cerveny marriage
How long was Shea Cerveny married to Mike Flanagan? How many years did Shea Cerveny and Mike Flanagan get married? Shea Cerveny and Mike Flanagan were married for 5 years; from 2005 to 2010.
Shea Cerveny children
Did Shea Cerveny have any children with Mike Flanagan? How many children does Shea Cerveny have? Who are Shea Cerveny’s children? Shea Cerveny has a child with Mike Flanagan called Rigby Flanagan-Bell.
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