
Perry Mason Arm: What did Perry Mason do to his arm?


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There isn’t a single scene set in a courtroom, making “The Case of the Careless Cat” unique among the many Perry Mason mysteries.


You can find another oddity in this episode if you look closely. During the story, the legendary lawyer wears a sling on his left arm.

Burr’s arm is not simply immobilized in this particular episode. In actuality, it is the last of four season-eight editions with an ailing Perry.


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He conceals the ominous sling against the dark fabric of his clothing with skill.

So, the question, “What happened to Raymond Burr?” arises. To unravel this fantastic yarn, however, requires the sleuthing prowess of a Paul Drake.

Perry Mason Arm: What did Perry Mason do to his arm?

Trivia (4), In the courtroom, Perry informed Lt. Tragg that an old battle injury of his had flared up while wearing a cast on his arm. In actual life, Raymond Burr broke his arm, and he wore the cast for several episodes.


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