
Samuel Weaver Obituary


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Samuel Weaver was the son of Randy Weaver, the central participant in an 11-day Idaho standoff with federal agents which took place 30 years ago that left three people dead and helped spark the growth of anti-government extremists.


Randy Weaver, his family, and a friend named Kevin Harris engaged in an armed standoff with U.S. Marshals and Federal Bureau of Investigation agents.

Samuel Weaver, aged 14, lost his life during the stand off after he was was shot in the back and killed by a U.S. Marshal, after which Harris shot and killed U.S. Marshal William Degan.

Randy Weaver was later shot in the back by a federal sniper.


The family friend Harris was shot by the same sniper. The bullet that wounded Harris killed Weaver’s wife, Vicki, who was standing behind the door of the Weaver’s home.

Vicki was holding the family’s infant daughter.

Randy Weaver surrendered to federal officers 11 days after the incident began and he was charged with murder, conspiracy, and assault as well as other crimes.

Randy Weaver was acquitted of all charges except for failing to appear in court for the original firearms charge and he was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Randy Weaver died on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at the age of 74.

Randy’s death was announced in a Facebook post by his daughter Sara Weaver, who lives near Kalispell, Montana.


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