
Sebastian Ofner Ranking, Age, Coach, Nationality


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Sebastian Ofner is an Austrian professional tennis player who has a career high ATP singles ranking of World No. 126 which was achieved on May 6, 2019.


Sebastian Ofner – Credit: Laola1

Sebastian Ofner ranking

What is Sebastian Ofner’s ranking? Sebastian Ofner has a career high ATP singles ranking of World No. 126 which was achieved on May 6, 2019.

Sebastian Ofner age

How old is Sebastian Ofner? Sebastian Ofner is 26 years old.


Sebastian Ofner birthday

When does Sebastian Ofner celebrate his birthday? Sebastian Ofner celebrates his birthday every May 12.

Sebastian Ofner date of birth

When was Sebastian Ofner born? Sebastian Ofner was born on May 12, 1996.

Sebastian Ofner coach

Who is Sebastian Ofner’s coach? Sebastian Ofner is coached by Wolfgang Thiem and Alexander Peya.

Sebastian Ofner nationality

What is Sebastian Ofner’s nationality? Sebastian Ofner is an Austrian national, born in Bruck an der Mur, Austria.

Sebastian Ofner height

How tall is Sebastian Ofner? What is Sebastian Ofner’s height? Sebastian Ofner is 1,91 meters tall.


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