Professional tennis player, Bianca Andreescu is of Romanian background.
Where is Bianca Andreescu from?
Where was Bianca Andreescu born? Bianca Andreescu is a Canadian national by birth.
Bianca Andreescu hometown
Where is Bianca Andreescu’s hometown? Bianca Andreescu was born in Mississauga, Canada.
How old is Bianca Andreescu?
What is Bianca Andreescu’s age? Bianca Andreescuis 22 years old.
Bianca Andreescu birthday
When does Bianca Andreescu celebrate her birthday? What is Bianca Andreescu’s birthday? Bianca Andreescu celebrates her birthday every June 16.
Bianca Andreescu date of birth
When was Bianca Andreescu born? What is Bianca Andreescu’s date of birth? Bianca Andreescu was born on June 16, 2000.
Bianca Andreescu education
What is Bianca Andreescu’s educational background? Which schools did Bianca Andreescu attend? Where did Bianca Andreescu attend school? Bianca Andreescu attended Bill Crothers Secondary School.
Bianca Andreescu awards
Has Bianca Andreescu won any awards? What are some of the awards by Bianca Andreescu? Bianca Andreescu has not won any awards yet, however, she was once nominated for Lauren World Sports Award for Breakthrough of the Year.
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