Caudal Regression Syndrome (CRS) is a disorder that distorts the development of the lower half of the body, such as the lower back, limbs, the genitals and the gastrointestinal tract.
This condition comes with missing bones at the lower spine and an uncoordinated spinal cord.
Persons with CRS may have a sac of fluid on the back covered by skin, and an unusual side-to-side curvature of the spine which may affect the size and shape of the chest, causing breathing problems.
In addition, persons with CRS may also have small hip bones, underdeveloped legs. inward- and upward-turning feet.
Photo Credit: Springer Link
What Is The Cause of Caudal Regression Syndrome?
The main cause of caudal regression syndrome remains a mystery.
Science has proven that environmental and genetic factors have a role to play in the development of CRS.
People with CRS also experience have unusual twisting of the large intestine, an obstruction of the anal opening and many other malformations of the gastrointestinal tract.
They also tend to lose control of the bladder and bowels.
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