American professional golfer, Keith Mitchell attended the University of Georgia where he played college golf and majored in Business and Real Estate.
How much does Keith Mitchell make?
What is Keith Mitchell’s salary? How much does Keith Mitchell make annually? Keith Mitchell makes an average annual salary of $987,979, he made this amount in 2020.
Keith Mitchell career earnings
What is Keith Mitchell’s career earnings? How much does Keith Mitchell earn in his career? Keith Mitchell has a total career earnings of $9,627,590. His average prize money per year is $1,925,518.
Where does Keith Mitchell live?
Where does Keith Mitchell reside? Keith Mitchell currently lives in Sea Island, Georgia, United States.
Keith Mitchell Instagram
Is Keith Mitchell on Instagram? What is Keith Mitchell’s Instagram handle? Keith Mitchell is on Instagram as @k_m_mitchell. He has a verified account with over 40,000 followers on the the Facebook-owned app. He usually posts pictures of himself and other random posts on the social media platform.
Below is one of the posts from his Instagram page:
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