Brady Quinn is currently residing in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Brady Quinn played in the National Football League for seven seasons.
Brady Quinn ranked sixth on the Detroit Free Press “Best of the Midwest” team. He was listed at number 20 on ESPN’s list of the nation’s top 100 prospects.
As a junior in 2001, Brady Quinn threw for 2,200 yards and 21 touchdowns to go along with 15 interceptions.
Brady Quinn helped his team post an 8–3 record and played in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio, Texas. Brady Quinn lettered three times and was a part of the 2001 State Championship team.
During his four years at Notre Dame, Brady Quinn set the record for career pass attempts with 1,602; completions with 929; yards-per-game with 239.6; touchdown passes with 95, and the Irish’s lowest interception percentage with 2.43.
Brady Quinn was named the Cingular All-America Player of the Year and was named to the 2006 AP All-America Team as a second-team quarterback.
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