American professional football player, Elijah Moore was born in Sunrise, Florida.
How old is Elijah Moore?
What is Elijah Moore’s age? Elijah Moore is 22 years old.
Elijah Moore birthday
When does Elijah Moore celebrate his birthday? What is Elijah Moore’s birthday? Elijah Moore celebrates his birthday every March 27.
Elijah Moore date of birth
When was Elijah Moore born? What is Elijah Moore’s date of birth? Elijah Moore was born on March 27, 2000.
Elijah Moore high school
Where did Elijah Moore attend high school? Which high school did Elijah Moore attend? Elijah Moore attended St. Thomas Aquinas in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Elijah Moore college
Where did Elijah Moore attend college? Which college did Elijah Moore attend? Elijah Moore attended the University of Mississippi.
Elijah Moore height in feet
How tall is Elijah Moore in feet? What is Elijah Moore’s height in feet? Elijah Moore is 5 feet 10 inches tall.
Elijah Moore teams played
How many teams has Elijah Moore played in his career? What are some of the teams played by Elijah Moore in his career? Elijah Moore has played for only one team so far – New York Jets, however, reports coming in on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 – state that he has been traded to the Cleveland Browns.
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