
Who celebrates spring equinox? What is another name for spring equinox?


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Spring Equinox is celebrated by “Druids and Wiccans”, and other people who follow astronomical wisdom, traditions and believe in nature.


During Spring equinox in England, Druid and Wiccan groups gather at Stonehenge to celebrate the rising as “Ostara.”

What is another name for spring equinox?

Spring equinox is alternatively called “The vernal equinox.”

About The Spring Equinox

Spring equinox occurs whenever the sun passes directly above the equator towards the relevant hemisphere, and therefore equalizes the length of both day and night across the globe.

This means that “there will be about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night” at the equator.


Spring Equinox
Photo Credit: BBC

Spring equinox usually marks the beginning of ‘astronomical’ spring and the end of astronomical winter in the Northern hemisphere.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the equinox marks the beginning of astronomical autumn and the end of astronomical summer.

Spring equinox occurs each year, around March 21 in the N hemisphere, and September 23 in the S hemisphere.

This year 2023, spring equinox will happen on March 29, at 21:24 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), and 15:33 GMT.

According to NASA, equinoxes are often as a result of Earth’s tilt on its axis and the continuous motion it has while orbiting the Sun.

If you are located north of the equator, you will experience early sunshine and late sunsets.

The March equinox is additionally used as a reference for calendars and events in many cultures and religions.



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