
Who Is Buster Murdaugh? Meet Alex Murdaugh’s Surviving Son


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Alex Murdaugh was born on June 17, 1958, in South Carolina, however, there is no information available regarding his parents.


According to a report from January 2022, Alex Murdaugh has been charged with financial crimes and running an insurance fraud operation that results in suicide.

According to sources, Alex Murdaugh has currently been charged with 23 felonies across four new indictments. The most recent indictments claim that he took more than $2.2 million that was intended for Natarsha Thomas, Hakeem Pinckney, Arthur Badger, and Deon Martin.


Tracy Glantz/The State/Tribune News Service via Getty

For those who don’t know, Alex Murdaugh hails from a well-known legal family; according to the story, his great-grandpa, grandfather, and father were all attorneys.

After graduating from Hampton High School, Alex Murdaugh attended the University of South Carolina and earned a BS in political science. He then moved on to the University of Carolina School of Law, where he earned a law degree in 1994.

Who Is Buster Murdaugh? Meet Alex Murdaugh’s Surviving Son

Buster attended the University of South Carolina Law School. Buster was apparently ejected from the school for plagiarizing during his second semester. He was recently called to testify against his father at the court.



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