Gracie Hunt was born to Clark Hunt and Travia Shackles.
Clark Hunt age
How old is Clark Hunt? What is Clark Hunt’s age? Clark Hunt is 57 years old.
Clark Hunt birthday
When does Clark Hunt celebrate his birthday? What is Clark Hunt’s birthday? Clark Hunt celebrates his birthday every February 19.
Clark Hunt date of birth
When was Clark Hunt born? What is Clark Hunt’s date of birth? Clark Hunt was born on February 19, 1965.
Clark Hunt parents
Who are Clark Hunt’s parents? Clark Hunt was born to Lamar Hunt and Norma Hunt.
Clark Hunt grandparents
Who are Clark Hunt’s grandparents? Clark Hunt’s grandparents were H. L. Hunt and Lyda Bunker.
Clark Hunt children
Does Clark Hunt have any other children aside from Gracie Hunt? Clark Hunt has two other children aside from Gracie Hunt, called Ava Hunt, and Knobel Hunt.
Travia Shackles age
How old is Travia Shackles? Travia Shackles is 51 years old; born on August 1, 1971.
Travia Shackles Instagram
Is Travia Shackles on Instagram? What is Travia Shackles’ Instagram handle? Travia Shackles is on Instagram as @taviahunt. She has a verified account with over 40,000 followers on the Facebook-owned platform. She usually posts pictures of herself and other random posts on the app.
Below is one of the posts from her Instagram page:
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