
Who plays Lassie in Porky’s? Why is Porkys called Lassie?


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Meet Kim Cattrall, The Actress Who Played Lassie in Porky’s

Have you ever wondered about the character Lassie in the movie Porky’s? Who played her, and why is the movie named after her? Let’s explore!


Kim Cattrall as Lassie

In the 1981 movie “Porky’s,” Kim Cattrall takes on the role of Miss Lynn “Lassie” Honeywell. She brings the character to life with her acting skills.

The Origin of the Nickname

Lassie gets her nickname from a unique characteristic in the movie.

Kim Cattrall /

She makes a sound during intimate moments that sounds like a loud dog’s howl. This resemblance to a dog’s howl earned her the name “Lassie.”


Lassie, the Fictional Collie

Lassie isn’t just a name in Porky’s; it’s also the name of a famous female collie dog in books, films, and TV shows. This collie is known for her loyalty and bravery, much like the character in Porky’s, albeit in a different context.

The Reason For The Name, Porky

You might wonder why the movie is called Porky’s if the character Lassie is so prominent.

While the movie revolves around a nightclub owned by a character named Porky, Lassie’s presence and nickname add depth to the storyline.


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